A Little About Valentino
- Goes skydiving for fun
- Appeared in a Spanish soap opera
- Trained as a gymnast and tried out for the Olympics in 2008
About Valentino
Hola ladies, I?m Valentino and they call me the Latin Lover here at Hunkomania. Fitness has always been an important part of my life and I?ve always been active in sports, especially gymnastics. I love dancing for the girls here at Hunkomania and surprising them with my back flips and stunts. The best part of the show is that I get to be part of a growing company. Since I?ve joined Hunkomania I?ve watched the show expand into different cities ? Atlantic City, Chicago, Philadelphia and Houston. I?m so glad to be part of something special and my goal is to open one up in Puerto Rico someday. I love all the guys there and they?re all like family to me.